Fahim Imam
Muslim Wellbeing Practitioner -
Youth Worker
2022 - 2023
Languages: English and Bengali
Tena kōtou katoa
Ko opuke te maunga
Ko Waimakariri te awa
Ko Masjid An Nur te Marae
Nō Ōtautahi ahau
Ko Imam tōku whānau
Ko Fahim Tōku Ingoa
Assalamualaikum, peace be upon you.
I’m Fahim, I was born in Ōtautahi, Aotearoa. I grew up in Bangladesh, attended high school in the USA and returned to New Zealand to attend university. I have completed a Certificate in Science, a Diploma in Jazz Performance and a Bachelor of Business.
Prior to joining the Muslim Wellbeing team I served in the Royal New Zealand Air Force as a Logistics Specialist. I feel humbled to be part of this amazing team and look forward to working with the Muslim youth and the wider Muslim community in Ōtautahi.
Some of my hobbies are snowboarding, playing drums and exploring our beautiful country on my motorcycle.